Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hello there. Nice to meet YOU.

Hello stranger,

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jemimah. Yes, just like Aunt Jemimah, the pancake syrup AND if you happen to be familiar with Biblical characters then you know it's also the name of Job's daughter. Well now that we got that tidbit out of the way, I wanted to say,

Nice to meet YOU!

Welcome to my world. Be prepared- it's chaotic, I will chronicle my day to day, and be warned...I have both good & bad days. Today might be spectacular, tomorrow might be dreadful. But that's life kiddo, & I really needed this. You see, I am totally OCD and ever since my Grandfather passed away, I felt a switch turned on. 

 I've always struggled with OCD and Depression, but when he passed I found it harder to cope with...well, LIFE. All of a sudden, I lost control of everything and the only thing that really helps me cope is writing and since I lead a very busy life, I'm using this vehicle as my therapy session. So congratulations! You are now my therapist, and a good one at that! 

So here's a bit about myself, I am......

A wifey, married and have been for almost 10 years, go us boo bear!
A mommy- I have a BUNCH of boys, like a BUNCH, like I can start my own basketball team!
Mexican- woot woot! I've got that Aztec blood running through my veins.
A special needs advocate-I have a son with Autism, can't mess with this momma!
Obessive Compulsive Disorder...'nuff said.
A cook, a nurse, a teacher, a booger cleaner, a butt cleaner, a wino enthusiast, a coffee junkie, a Bible reader...

The list goes on and on! Let's just hope I can add  that I'm your friend to that list :) 

I will write to you, and share with you as much as I can! 

So please, grab a cup a coffee and enjoy the ride :)

Your friend. 